Do you find your lessons rate fair? Expensive? Inexpensive? What exactly do you get for your money: one lesson at a time? No, much more. There are at least 25 ways (we combined some items, either way, it would be too long) where your money goes when taking music lessons. And you even help this world to get a little better through our charity programs.
Check it yourself.
Time spent planning student lessons
Time spent on searching music books, and materials
Time spent on searching and testing music apps and software
Lesson time & communication time
Students' treats (sweets, stickers, etc.)
Teacher experience
Teacher formal education
Ongoing teacher professional development
Teacher salary
Teacher's travel to and from the studio (time, gas, car costs)
Curriculum development
Exam preparations
Planning student recitals and events
Musical instruments
Their care and maintenance
Music software and apps
Educational supplies
Open Music Class (free lessons for disadvantaged-family kids)
Club Vallarta (educational charity organization)
Power, phone, internet, etc.
Studio furniture, equipment, and cleaning
Insurance costs
License & permits costs.